Celebrate National Home Security Month with a Smart Home Renovation

In the early 17th century, British politician Sir Edward Coke coined the phrase, “A man’s home is his castle.” It’s a sentiment that has resonated in all the centuries since. While most home owner associations would no doubt frown upon the construction of a moat around your own “castle,” there are a number of measures you can take to keep barbarians from storming the castle gates. In 2015, U.S. residents age 12 or older experienced an estimated 5.0 million violent victimizations – which includes rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault, according to the most recent Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). 7.60% of U.S. households (which may not seem like a lot until you consider that it represents 10.0 million homes) experienced one or more property victimizations that year. Although Highlight Homes is not a security company, we can build the base for a secure home through a smart home renovation or custom construction.
What is a Smart Home?
A smart home features special structured wiring designed to give home owners control of things like air conditioning and heating, lighting, sound system, blinds and – yes – even home security system through a mobile device or computer. Depending on which Smart Home Security System you elect to incorporate, you could operate an interior and exterior camera system, open or close the garage door, set off an alarm, turn on or off your lights, and even lock or unlock the doors – all with the tap of a button on your smartphone. The future is here!
Need a little more convincing to convert your current home a Smart Home or build your new Smart Home from the ground up? According to Coldwell Banker Real Estate, “whether you’re shopping for a first home, looking to sell your home, or planning home renovations to add value to your house, smart home technology should be at the top of your must-haves list. 54% of homeowners said they would install smart home products if they were selling their home and knew that doing so would make it sell faster. In fact, about 33% of agents said homes with smart features sell faster.”
Additional Security Measures Highlight Homes can integrate to your home renovation or custom home design:
- The incorporation of landscaping designed for security, such as strategically placed thorny bushes and landscape lighting, to deter burglars from entering your home
- The placement of motion activated lighting around potential points of entry, like the garage and front/rear porches
- The use of heavy duty doors, windows, screens and locks throughout the house
- The construction of a safe room – aka panic room – to keep your family secure in the event of a home invasion
Highlight Homes welcomes the chance to help you transform your “home sweet home” into a “home safe home!” To get started, simply call us at 678-873-9234, email us at info@highlighthomesga.com or fill out our convenient online contact form and someone will be in touch with you shortly! To learn more about Highlight Homes and view our online gallery of work, please visit www.highlighthomesga.com.
Sources: Bureau of Justice Statistics – https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv15_sum.pdf
Coldwell Banker – https://blog.coldwellbanker.com/blog/home-renovations-and-features-for-2017-smart-home/