Highlight Home’s Renovation Division Proudly Joins the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s List of Lead-Safe Certified Firms
Did You Know:
* Homes, Condominiums and Apartments Built Before 1978 Often Have Paint that is Lead-Based?
* Lead Can Enter Your Body When You Inhale or Swallow Lead Dust, or When You Eat Soil or Paint Chips Containing Lead?
* Lead Exposure is Particularly Dangerous to Infants and Young Children? It could potentially harm a baby EVEN BEFORE IT’S BORN. In fact, lead paint poisoning affects over one million children today. Adverse health effects include learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and speech delays – and could result in slowed growth, hearing problems, even damage to the brain and nervous system.
* Even Adults Who Are Exposed to Lead Can Experience Reproductive Issues, Hypertension/High Blood Pressure, Nerve Disorders, Muscle & Joint Pain, and Memory & Concentration Problems?
* Improper Removal of Lead-based Paint Can Increase the Danger to You and Your Family?
On April 22, 2008, the United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a rule requiring the use of lead-safe work practices aimed at preventing lead poisoning in children. As of April 22, 2010, federal law now requires that contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb more than six square feet of paint in homes, childcare facilities, and schools built before 1978 must be certified and trained to follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. To become a certified renovator, individuals are required to take eight hours of training, of which two hours must be hands-on training, to become certified. This training is good for five years, at which time the certification must be renewed.
Highlight Homes Principal, Tony Pourhassan and Superintendent, Chris Gilliam recently completed their training and certification through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – making Highlight Home Restoration a Lead-Safe Certified Firm. In the event that you and your family live in a home that was built prior to 1978 and wish to complete a home renovation, we encourage you to contact Highlight Home Restoration or a fellow Lead-Safe Certified Firm to handle the project for you. Highlight Home Restoration will follow all the EPA’s guidelines and protection measures to safeguard your family’s health. To learn more about the dangers of lead poisoning and the facts behind the mandate, read our blog “Get the Lead Out” or visit the EPA’s Lead Paint Webpage. When you’re ready to get started on your next renovation project, call Highlight Home Restoration’s professional team of contractors and renovators at 678-873-9234, fill out our online contact form, or e-mail your request to info@highlighthomesga.com. We are truly honored that you would consider us to protect the well-being of your family while we create unique living spaces where you and your family will make memories together for years to come!