Highlight Homes’ Founder Tony Pourhassan Recently Took Part in the White House Energy, Environment and Conservation Roundtable Hosted by the Green Building Council of the Greater Atlanta Home Builder’s Association
Regardless of your politics and whether you live in a red or blue state, the U.S. government has expressed an increasing concern centered around green construction, energy efficiency, and conservation – three subjects that just happen to be near and dear to the heart of Highlight Homes’ founder, Tony Pourhassan. Therefore, it goes without saying that Tony was more than a little flattered and honored to be invited to take place in last week’s White House Energy, Environment, and Conservation Roundtable hosted by the Green Building Council of the Greater Atlanta Home Builder’s Association.
Tony – a proud member of the Green Building Council since 2011 – took his seat beside other prominent Atlanta builders, representatives from the General Services Administration (GSA) and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Georgia Environmental Finance Authority, Atlanta Housing Authority, and local government officials to talk about the future of sustainability, clean energy, conservation, and green jobs in our country. Topics discussed during the January 31 meeting included incentives, tax credits, code enforcement, and programs designed to encourage sustainability, clean energy, conservation, and all that goes into building an “America that will last.” The insights gleaned from this meeting will be shared with the White House.
“I was encouraged that we were able to put politics aside and discuss the future of our country from an eco-conscious standpoint,” said Tony. “I feel a real responsibility as a home builder to persuade other builders and home buyers to seek out earth-friendly, energy efficient for the good of their families and – ultimately – the good of our planet. That’s why I was honored to be invited to become a member of GAHB’s Green Building Council and to take part in this Roundtable. As a small businessman, I am extremely passionate about creating new jobs, particularly those in the green sector. It’s definitely heartening to think that the government is listening to what my colleagues and I have to say.”
While the meeting may have come to a close, Tony and his fellow council members were assured that this is just the beginning of the conversation. In the future, the White House’s Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) will be contacting participants of the Roundtable to take part in conference calls and dialogues covering a wide range of topics pertaining to energy, the environment and conservation.
To stay up-to-date on the latest Highlight Homes’ news, “like” us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, read our blog, and/or sign up to receive our monthly e-newsletter, the Highlight Homes Herald. If you wish to discuss green construction of a Highlight Homes custom home or room addition, contact Tony and his team by phone at 678.873.9234, via e-mail at info@highlighthomesga.com, or through our convenient online contact form. To learn more about Tony and Highlight Homes, visit the Atlanta-based company website at www.highlighthomesga.com.
Image Credit: AMERICAN FLAG © Robert Pernell | Dreamstime.com