The Importance of Creating a Dreambook Before Taking That First Exciting Step Towards Change
Motivation can come from lots of places – a visit to a neighbor’s home, a raise or bonus at work, a growing family, a desire for more storage, a need for an update, or simply that growing, nagging sense that your home is in dire need of a change. While motivation is easy to find, inspiration may be something you need to actively pursue. Once you’ve found it, the best way to communicate that inspiration to others – your family members, an architect, an interior designer, or someone like me, a builder and renovator – is to compile all of your ideas into a Dreambook. Whether you have one room or a whole slew of living spaces of your home that you wish to remodel, a Dreambook is the ideal spot to gather all of your ideas together. As you concentrate your efforts on creating your Dreambook, your vision of the perfect remodel will come into clearer focus.
How to Create a Dreambook
Ideas are everywhere! Here are just a few places to look to help you get started…
Friends, Family & Neighbors – If you step into someone’s house and say “What a lovely home!” (and MEAN it), make mental notes about what it is in their décor or design that speaks to you. If you happen to have a camera or smartphone on hand, don’t be afraid to ask your hosts if you can take photos. Chances are they’ll be flattered, and the images will help you remember the elements that you liked best about their home. Print them out and add them to your Dreambook. If you don’t have access to a camera during your visit, jot down a few notes and add them to your book.
Magazines, Coffee Table Books, and Catalogs – Do your homework! Thumb through the pages of home décor and remodeling magazines, coffee table books, and store catalogs (like IKEA, Lowes, Home Depot, Crate & Barrel, etc…) While you certainly won’t want to rip the pages out of a coffee table book, you CAN tear the pages out of magazines and catalogs to enhance your Dreambook. Make copies of the pages of the coffee table books that really resonate with you.
Online portfolios at different renovation company websites - such as the one found at Highlight Homes' website - can be jam-packed with inspiration.Home Décor, Interior Design, and Remodeling Websites – If you know which rooms you’d like to focus your attention, type that room into the search bar and see what pops up. From remodelers who specialize in certain areas of the home (such as kitchens and baths), to interior designers who just completed an exciting project, to entire websites devoted to the art and science of home décor – there are a wealth of images out there to inspire you. The more you view, the more you will understand the styles that draw you in. Highlight Homes’ online portfolio is a great resource! Be sure to print out your favorites and add them to your book.
Home Décor, Interior Design, and Remodeling Channels – Tune in to any one of many home improvement shows out there, then curl up with a good NOTEbook. Take really good notes on all of the great ideas you see that might fit with your vision, even make sketches if that helps you recall what you saw. Don’t forget to add your notes to the Dreambook. A word of warning: these shows can be highly addictive and may lead you to believe you could go it alone on your own home remodel. If this is the case, be sure to read one of our most popular blogs – Do it Yourself vs. Hiring a Professional – before you dive right in.
Once you’ve pulled your book together and have a fairly strong idea of the direction you’d like to take, it’s time to look into budget and begin researching renovating companies. Make sure to add Highlight Homes to the list. My team and I welcome the opportunity to make your ideas leap from the pages of your Dreambook to become a beautiful reality. Visit us online at to learn more about our experience and specialties, then call us at 678.873.9234, e-mail us at, or fill out our helpful online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you soon and can’t wait to take a peek at your Home Renovation Dreambook!