The arrival of June means it’s time once again for National Home Ownership Month. Intended to honor the place of home ownership in the American Dream, it’s the ideal time for first time home buyers to achieve their part in that dream. It’s also the perfect occasion for home owners all across the country to “show the love” to the place that serves as shelter to their families and house to their treasured memories.
A couple of excellent ways for home owners to express their appreciation for their home is to take care of some much-needed home maintenance issues in order to ensure its well-being for years to come and to pursue a home renovation to update or restore its beauty and functionality. The craftsman and designers at Highlight Homes can help you with either (or BOTH) of these quests. Here are just a few examples of ways Highlight Homes can assist you in “showing the love.”
“Show the Love” Home Maintenance:
- The replacement of drafty doors and windows with energy efficient models can not only affect the family’s comfort levels, but also wind up saving the home owner money over time.
- A fresh coat of paint can help restore the beauty of your home, but also protect the home’s trim and siding.
- The repair of wood rot all around the exterior of the home can ultimately protect the home’s interior.
“Show the Love” Home Renovation:

- Update your home’s interior with a kitchen or bath renovation – two projects that have a track-record of great return-on-investment.
- Extend your home’s living spaces to the exterior with the creation of a gorgeous outdoor oasis.
- Grow your home’s interior living spaces by adding a room to the main level’s layout or by finishing a basement.
To schedule a no-obligation consultation with Highlight Home’s talented design-build team, call 678-873-9234 or e-mail info@highlighthomesga.com. To view other services that Highlight Homes’ provides – including custom home design and construction – please visit us online at www.highlighthomesga.com.